Desperate Livin archive of transgender resources
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Displays PRIDE and STAR zines.
Trans hands
Displays Falling Through the Cracks and Radical Transfeminism
Trans arts writing
Displays exhibition catalogues Transitional States and Bodies of Knowledge
Harm reduction kits
Displays photographs from Testo Workshop
Health justice
Displays zine Towards an Autonomous Trans Health Care, resource on harm reduction letter writing, resource on fertility for trans men with HIV, and book Trans Care
Displays Trans Day of Remembrance and 10 tips for working with TGIQ patients posters, Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People, Families in Transition guidebook, and Top Surgery Caregivers Support Zine.
Displays photograph from Sweet Maria Monument
Zine table
Displays zines TGI 'n' Fine, Femininities Masculinities Issue 4, and Trans Sex Zine Volume 1.
Journal articles
Displays 'The Gender Freedom Model' and 'Embodying Autonomous Trans Healthcare in Zines'.
More links
Displays a list of links to external resources
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Try "zooming out" by holding "ctrl" and tapping the "-" button on your keyboard.