Preview of poster on how to be an ally to trans people

Want to be an ally to trans folks? Here are some things you could do

Author: Gee imaan semmalar

Image: Sabari

Trans Day of Remembrance and Resilience (TDOR) Nov 20th, 2019 (India)

The NGO industrial complex, especially the non-trans led non profits, scramble at this time of year to get the names of trans people murdered in the past year for their TDOR programmes. What can you do, as an ally, to move beyond these tokenistic, performative solidarity gestures?
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Preview of poster on working with TGIQ patients

10 Tips for Working with TGIQ Patients

Author: Rad Remedy


Remember that TGIQ patients are more likely to have been harassed, shamed, and even assaulted in medical offices, so ask permission before touching them and give them clear information about any procedures that you need to perform. Respect that due to those traumatic experiences, they may also react to other kinds of interactions, and focus on providing them with safe, responsive, affirming treatment.
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Cover of The Reflective Workbook. Text is in bright pastel colours on a white background

The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People: Your Transition as your Partner Transitions

Author: D. M. Maynard

"The intent of this journal is simple: to create a space that feels safe, right, and honorable for all partners, as they map out their own path. The questions posed and the exercises and tools provided within this workbook are those I asked of others and used myself."
Cover illustrated with pastel teal print of a tree, and halftone prints of human faces in orange, indigo, and pink, on a kraft cardstock background

Families in TRANSition: A resource guide for Families of Transgender Youth

Publisher: Central Toronto Youth Services

"If you have this guide in hand, someone you love may have just come out as transgender or is questioning their gender. This is big news. You are likely feeling some of the common feelings parents and families initially report: shock, disbelief, fear, grief, anger, or shame. You might feel like your world has been turned upside down. You might feel very alone. Or, you may have already suspected this, and you could be feeling relieved, hopeful and proud. A range of feelings and thoughts is normal. Regardless, you probably have a lot of questions, and that’s why we wrote this guide. In the following pages, we share experiences of other families, answer commonly asked questions, suggest lines of communication, offer ways in which you can help your loved one, and point you towards additional sources of information."
Cover of Top Surgery Caregivers Support Guide. Hand-drawn text and illustrations in black ink on white background shows a variety of people with diverse body types holding hands.

Like a Barrier Lifted: The Top Surgery Caregivers Support Guide

Author: Quinn Ravenburgh (2016)

"The trans and queer communities have a long history of DIY healthcare and mental health care. Ignored or pathologized by medical and psychological institutions, for decades people have swapped stories, cared for one another, traded resources and tips, and built best practices for transition and living authentically - from the bottom up. The zine is an embodiment of trans and queer people imparting wisdom across generations."